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Year-Round Giving: Best of 2013

December 21, 2013

Best of 2013

Looking back on 2013 the blog was a bit neglected due to moving to Maryland. I bounced back in October and I am glad to be back. Maryland has offered up so much inspiration and I look forward to 2014. Thanks to those who have been with me and a warm welcome to those who have just recently joined.

Here is my 2013 most viewed post.

Easter Giving
Easter is such a beautiful time of year. While writing this post I was able to think about a few families that would benefit from a surprise Easter Egging.  See the post here: Easter Giving

christmas party games
The 2nd most popular post was Christmas Party Games. These games are so fun. A couple of years ago I was put in charge of my office Christmas party. We did the Santa Beard with teams and we actually ended up with a tie. What are the chances of that! Crazy! So we had a tie breaker. It was our owner, a male and a female employee.  The female “Out Bearded” our owner. Who coincidentally had a beard.

chocolate potato chips recipe

2013 Favorite Recipe was the Chocolate Dipped Potato Chips. Shortly after posting this recipe Lay’s Potato Chips put on the market their version of Chocolate Covered Potato chips. Hmm…. I wonder where they got the inspiration. J/k

I can do all things

Here is the favorite Sunday Post and my personal favorite verse. 
I hate to admit that I didn’t have a post every Sunday. It really isn’t a post just an image. The image is for you to pin, save and post to facebook or tweet. The purpose is to use the image as a tool to fill your feed with faith and share your Christian beliefs.

How to Grow Amaryllis

Finally, in the Gardening category How to Grow Amaryllis was the most popular. These are so simple to grow and even if you have a brown thumb I encourage you to give these flowers a shot.

Look forward to seeing in you 2014.


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