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Year-Round Giving: Do Valentine's Day Differently

January 29, 2014

Do Valentine's Day Differently

Do Valentine's Day Differently. 3 Tradtions Re-Invented

Are you looking for unique Valentine's Day ideas? Here is a spin on three traditional Valentine's Day favorites. 

1. Instead of a regular box of chocolates add a personal touch by creating your own box of chocolates with Angell and Phelps Chocolate Factory, LLC. You hand select and create the candy that will go into the box. You can also create other assortments that your spouse will love. If your spouse loves coffee get him a box of  assorted k-cups.  Share your ideas on what would make a great gift assortment in the comments below.

2. Turn a $2.99 Valentine's Day card into a priceless card. Start a new tradition and reuse the same card every year. Each year write a new message and be sure to date it. After a few years it will be fun to look over the previous year's messages.

3. Instead of giving a dozen roses buy a rose bush for your spouse. Enjoy those beautiful blooms all season long rather than just a week. Recommended for an experienced gardener.

What are your unique ideas for Valentine's Day?

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